Artist’s Statement

Central to my current work is the celebration of the complexity of the recurring cycle of life. Even in diminished and fragile state, lifeforms possess strength of character and beauty, rich and raw textures that offer extraordinary moments of poetry. I want my work to offer a visual meditation on time as well as a space for reflection expressing the notion of passage and becoming.

The theme of ephemerality inspires me to experiment with organic colours and the contrast between smooth and textured surfaces. My materials are primarily oil paint and cold wax medium, a paste-like substance that adds body and luminosity to the pigment. The complex surfaces of my work are the result of building up many layers of this mixture with various tools and techniques, as well as selectively scraping and dis-solving areas to reveal underlying layers.

The result is a kind of record of the work’s history and making. It invites the viewer to consider what has been exposed and what remains concealed, how the work came to be through a series of accumulations and experiences that are interrupted by gaps, revelations, wounds, and remembrances. The painting process and results imitate the passage of time with its multifaceted impacts.